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London Art Exchange

Damien Hirst art
Damien Hirst is a British artist, who dominated the art scene in the UK during the 1990s. He is estimated to be the richest living artist at $384 million net worth.
Decorative wall art
design is an art form, a method of human expression that follows a system of highly developed procedures in order to imbue objects, performance and experiences with significance.
Deviant art
Founded in 2020, DeviantArt is the largest online social network for artists and art enthusiasts.
Different types of art
A variation of different eras, mediums and concepts of artwork.
Digital art
Refers to any artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part o f the creative or presentation process.
Digital art gallery
A digital art gallery is a online space to exhibit work, like a physical gallery but using technology as the medium.
Doodle art
Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be composed of random and abstract lines or shapes.
Dot art
The defining criterion for a dot painting is the technique used, it is made through repetitive imprints of a paint covered brush, dotting stick or other devices onto a surface.
Drawing art
Drawing art is the technique of producing images on a surface, normally on paper by means of marks, usually ink, graphite, chalk, charcoal or crayon.
Dripping art
Drip art or drip painting, is the abstract technique in which paint is dripped or poured onto the canvas.
Dry flower art
Oshibana is the art of using pressed and dried flowers and other botanicals to create an entire artwork from these natural elements.
Dystopian art
Dystopian art is characterised as the representation of a fictitious, unpleasant and horrifying location.
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