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London Art Exchange

A person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.
Arts and crafts
– Is decorative design and handicraft.
Aviation art
Is artwork in any medium that features air or space travel as the focal point of the work.
Aztec art
The main use of Aztec Art was to express religious and mythical concepts to legitimatize the power of the State.
Baroque art
Baroque is associated with the Baroque cultural movement, or also the dominant style in art and architecture of the seventeenth century.
Batik art
Batik is a technique of wax-resist, ancient form originally from Indonesia.
The Staatliche’s Bauhaus commonly known as Bauhaus (German for building house), was a German art school operational from 1919 to 1933.
Biro art
Is a form of drawing made through using a ball point pen.
Black art
The Black Arts Movement was a Black independence movement that focused on music, literature, drama, and the visual arts made up of Black artists and intellectuals.
Block colour art
Block colour is considered to be the exploration of using colours that are opposite on the colour wheel, to pair them together makes them interesting and complementary colour combinations.
British art
The art from the United Kingdom refers to all forms of visual art or in association with Britain since the beginning of the British Empire.
Bug art
Typically known as glitch art, it is the use of temporary pixilation, interruptions and glitches and turns them into visually challenging, digital pieces.
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